+1 (289) 642-1800 BSID Number 884087

Message from Principal

Taher Saifuddin

As Canadian International Secondary School’s principal, I am thrilled and privileged to be a part of the school community for what I know will be a fantastic academic year. In order to prepare each student for life after school, we strive to provide them with the greatest education possible. The greatest option for students who wish to obtain credits and a graduation diploma more quickly is Canadian International Secondary School. At Canadian International Secondary School, every member of our team is committed to assisting each student in acquiring the skills required to lay the groundwork for success in the future. We are thrilled to have the chance to work with students to prepare them for their futures, and we take seriously our responsibility to give them the best education possible.

At Canadian International Secondary School, the administration, instructors, and staff all have a strong commitment to education and believe that every student is an individual who should be respected and given the chance to learn. As a result, we work hard to offer a demanding and interesting curriculum to every student at Canadian International Secondary School. Students at Canadian International Secondary School can also choose from a variety of extracurricular activities. We aim to give every student a thorough education that offers numerous chances to develop skills, express talents, practice responsibility, and participate in the lifetime learning process through academics, extracurricular activities, and athletics.

We acknowledge that schools, together with their individual homes and the community at large, have some of the responsibility for the intellectual, social, and psychological development of kids. At Canadian International Secondary School, we aim to produce graduates who are self-assured, passionate, courteous, and engaged citizens who will love studying for the rest of their lives through this cooperative effort.

I’m excited to support every student in reaching their goals. Throughout the year, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns.

Taher Saifuddin
Canadian International Secondary School